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Profile of the Teaching Staff

Dr. dr. Indah Julianto, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV


  • Tumor dan Bedah Kulit
  • Dermatologi Anak



  • 1975 Universitas Diponegoro – Profesi Dokter
  • 1988 Universitas Airlangga – Kulit & Kelamin
  • 2006 Universitas Airlangga – Doktor Ilmu Kedokteran


  • 2014 Kolegium Dermatologi & Venereologi Indonesia – Konsultan/Subspesialis Onkologi dan Bedah Kulit
  • 2013 Pemerintah RI (Presiden RI) – Satya Lencana Karya Satya 30 tahun
  • 2012 PP PERDOSKI (Nasional) – Fellow of the Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (FINSDV)
  • 2012 ILDS (Internasional) – Fellowship Asian Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (FAADV)
  • 2011 Dermatologi & Venereologi Indonesia – Konsultan/Subspesialis Dermato Alergo-imunologi
  • 2008 Pemerintah RI (Presiden RI) – Satya Lencana Karya Satya 30 tahun
  • 2006 Founder, Dermama Laboratory
  • 2000 – 2004 Cosmetic laser fellowship training (2000 – 2004):
    1. Laser physics/ theory course Tokyo (Tokyo University)
    2. Botox and Juverderm certified (Allergan)
    3. Laser traning, Dr Gustavo Diaz (Gulf Shores, Al practices)
    4. Laser, IPL, and cosmetic injectable traning, DR. D. Pank, Prof Serdev (Paris)
    5. Aesthetic CO2 laser training course (Paris)
  • 2001 Pemerintah RI (Presiden RI) – Satya Lencana Karya Satya 20 tahun


  • 2020 Dry Workshop COSMIC 2 “From Evidence to Experience in Cosmetic Dermatology”
  • 2019 Blepharoplasty dengan KSTBKI
  • 2019 “Stem Cell in Dermatology” PIT Perdoski XVII Medan
  • 2019 “Adipose derived stem/stromal cells: basic biology & future application in dermatology” Sympo & Workshop: Indonesian Conference on Laser & Aesthetic Dermatosurgery (ICLAD) Bali
  • 2018 “Comprehensive Review & Update of Metabolic Syndrome in Clinical Aspect”
  • 2017 Workshop “Hair and Face Rejuvenation with Combination Therapies” Topik: Platelet Rich Plasma, Pekanbaru
  • 2017 Symposium Nasional & Workshop “Liposuction Under Tumescent Anaesthesia 2017”– Padang
  • 2016 Wound : The New Concepts
  • 2016 Workshop Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan XV : PRP and Fat Transfer (Nano Fat Grafting)
  • 2015 Workshop : Modifikasi Bedah Sedot Lemak dan Kuretase Menggunakan Anestesi Tumescent untuk Penanganan Bromhidrosis