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Publikasi 2019

NoJudulAuthorCo-AuthorNama Jurnal Publikasi NasionalNama Jurnal Publikasi Internasional
1Keratoakantoma Regio GlutealAnggana Rafika Paramitasari Ferry, Susanti, Ance, Dendy, Endra YustinCermin Dunia Kedokteran-
2Terapi Kondiloma Akuminata dengan Kombinasi Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) 80% + KrioterapiMarsita Endy Dhamayanti Tutik R, Eka Putra, Rina D, Danu Y, Endra YustinCermin Dunia Kedokteran -
3Peranan Ekstrak Solanum lycopersicum L terhadap Ekspresi Basic Fibroblast Growth Factors (bFGF) dan Pencegahan Skar Hipertro k pada Tikus Strain WistarAulia Rahman Indah Julianto, Prasetyadi MawardiCermin Dunia Kedokteran-
4Kejadian Karsinoma Sel Basal di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta Berdasarkan Subtipe Histopatologi menurut Jenis Kelamin, Usia, Lokasi Anatomi, dan Diameter TumorSynthia Sari Toha Aulia R, Moerbono Mochtar, Indah Julianto, Nugrohoaji D, Prasetyadi M, Brian Wasita, Novan Adi SCermin Dunia Kedokteran -
5A split-face of dermaroller and intradermal injection with the autologous platelet rich fibrin lysate in the treatment of exogenous ocronosis: A case seriesMoerbono Mochtar Sri Esa Ilona, Dendy, Ammarilis M, Suci Widhiati-Dermatology Report
6The role of protein-53 amyloid in determining the aggressiveness of basal cell carcinoma regulated by interleukin-6, myeloid cell leukemia-1 and basic fibroblast growth factorPrasetyadi Mawardi Handono Kalim, Kusworini, Loeki Enggar F, Karyono Mintarjo, Ambar Mudigdo, Oyong, Brian W-Dermatology Report
7Perbedaan Jumlah Kelenjar Ekrin Dan Apokrin Serta Gambaran Sel Radang Pada Pasien Bromhidrosis: Tinjauan HistopatologiImroatul Ulya Risman, Oyong, Endra Yustin, Indah JuliantoMedicinus-
8Lupus Eritematosus Diskoid Dengan Keterlibatan Sistemik Susanti RD Arie KusumawardaniMedicinus-
9The application of liposomal azelaic acid, 4-n butyl resorcinol and retinol serum enhanced by microneedling for treatment of malar pattern melasma: A case seriesArie Kusumawardani Anggana RP, Susanti RD, Ance Imelda-Dermatology Report
10Autologous non-cultured epidermal cell suspension combined with platelet rich fibrin for the treatment of stable vitiligo: A case seriesAdniana Nareswari Dendy, Indah Julianto, Suci Widhiati-Dermatology Report
11The role of beluntas (pluchea indica less.) leaf extract in preventing the occurrence of fibroblasts hyperproliferation: An in vitro preliminary studySakti Charlia MaharaniIndah Julianto, Suci Widhiati-Dermatology Report
12Clinical diagnostic matrix (CDM) a s a tool to diagnose subtypes of epidermolysis bullosa cases in childrenSuci WidhiatiBenazier Marcella, Susanti, Anggana, Endra Yustin, Indah JuliantoJournal of General-Procedural Dermatology & Venereology Indonesia-
13The effect of face washing frequency on acne vulgaris patientsRini HastutiEtty Farida, Imroatul Ulya, Muh Risman, Prasetyadi MawardiJournal of General-Procedural Dermatology & Venereology Indonesia -
14Peran Vitamin D3 Analog dalam DermatologiSynthia Sari Toha Ahmad Fiqri, Nurrachmat MuliantoCermin Dunia Kedokteran -
15Perbandingan Efektifitas Terapi Losion Permethrin 1% Dengan Krim Permethrin 5% Pada Pengobatan Skabies di Pondok Pesantren Daarul Qur’an SurakartaSusanti Rosmala Dewi Anggana RP, Suci Widhiati, Nurrachmat MuliantoMedicinus, July -
16Dermal FillerLeonardo TrisnarizkiWisuda PN, Moerbono M, Indah Julianto, Prasetyadi MCermin Dunia Kedokteran -
17Ideal concentration of advanced-platelet rich fibrin (A-PRF) conditioned media for human dental pulp stem cells differentiationBagio DAIndah Julianto, Suprastiwi, Margono A-Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada
18Advanced Platelet Rich Fibrin (A -PRF) Supplemented Culture Medium for Human Dental Pulp Stem Cell ProliferationIlmildaDini Asrianti, Anggraini Margono, Indah Julianto, Mettasari Puspa W-Journal of International Dental and Medical Research
19Optimum Concentration of Platelet-Rich Fibrin Lysate for Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells Culture MediumSandy Ratna AsriHasti Dwi Setiati, Dini Asrianti, Anggraini Margono, Munyati Usman, Indah Julianto-Journal of International Dental and Medical Research
20Prevalence and risk factors of bacterial vaginosis among female sex workers in SurakartaRini HastutiDanu Yuliarto, Agung Triana, Willa Damayanti, Rakhma Tri Irfanti, Mardiana, Putti Fatiharani Dewi, Ambar Aliwardani, Ervianti Abas, Sulistiyo, Prasetyadi Mawardi, Endra Yustin EllistasariJ Gen Proced Dermatol Venereol Indones-
21Diagnosis Luka Tungkai KronisAnggana Rafika ParamitasariMuhammad Risman, Nurrachmat Mulianto, Harijono Kario SentonoCermin Dunia Kedokteran -